Friday, July 16, 2010

quiet time, love time, hate time

Summer bliss, summer heat, it's that time of year where we bring out our cute bathing suits. However, the worse part of this heat is the sweating and sticky-ness of your body. Yuck! So far my summer has been pretty relaxing, I've been with friends and family, and some times I have a lot of time for myself. My summer reading list is very short, I just finished reading "Before Women had Wings" and I was impressed because I usually do not read books that deal with violence amongst women but this book changed my perspective in so many ways. Now my next book is called "Helpless" and so far it's really good. Now that i have that done with, my next goal is just to enjoy my little nephew. He is growing up really fast and everyday that I talk to him on the phone I always get surprise by the things he says. Nevertheless, there is nothing I can do to make him stay a baby, OH WELL life moves on in this fast pacing world we live in. Now that July is almost over I am happy to know that school is around the corner again. That means two things: CLASSES are back in session and secondly, SHOPPING, I need to buy school supplies and of course new clothes for a new semester. With that said, everyone enjoy your summer CIAO BELLA

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