Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009


gonna see transformers soon!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

The virgin suicides

I really feel like watching"The Virgin Suicide" movie. If you have it, let me have it or borrow it please
but if you have the book, even better!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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creative corner

smile once in a while

It does the body good!
especially during FINALS! I can not wait to do my final tomorrow and get over with it.
I am stressing out so much but then i STOP and i put a smile on my face. It works, Trust me, try it. It relaxes you in so many ways. I have a smile on my face because my boyfriend called me a while ago (even though he was making fun of me) it still put a smile on my sad stressed face. Thank god for boyfriends and yoga music to get over the final headache.
ciao bella.

photo del DIA

a photo of chloe!
i love it because it makes me happy
photo cred: flikr

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Where can I start? Well I guess I am going to start with saying I love you! I truly do! I want to grow old with you and live life as happy as we can. You are my everything and I would be devastated if we part ways. Albert, you've been there for me when I needed you (most of the times) but I am grateful for everything you have done to change your life around to be with me. All I am trying to say is that I'm sorry for not being a good girlfriend, I recognize it, I know it seems that I don't try to be with you but I do. I want to be with you every second of every hour of the day. But, it is hard for me  stand up to the people who pretty much raised me and gave me everything I wanted. Just for once put yourself in my shoes and see what I go through. However, I did promise to change and I thought I was and I realized that it was making you unhappy. So with all my will power and strength I will change to make this work between us. I LOVE YOU TO DEATH.
love always, 
vilma nerio