Friday, December 11, 2009

my garden is a secret

As I listen to my favorite song "Show's Dickons Garden" I look outside my window and the trees are swerving side to side as the wind takes over. Sitting in my couch trying to finish my history paper, I decided to take a break because I'm honestly not going pretty far with my paper. I'm all alone, except with the company of jojo and I'm feeling very calm somehow, it is a feeling I can not explain but it is very sincere and peaceful. In addition to my feelings I am very anxious for this semester to be over because christmas is around the corner and also I have a book I want to finish reading. Actually I have a handful of books to read. Well as I patiently await the day I continue looking outside my window and a dark cloud is surrounding my house, rain I suppose is about to pour and I am glad that it is. Thankfully I am home, therefore once it starts pouring I can put on my movie "The Secret Garden" and start the kettle for my hot tea. My blanket is warm and fuzzy, my hands are cold, my eyes are shutting. Friday is the new Sunday for me. Winter is precious and peaceful, tranquility is hitting in now CIAO BELLA

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