Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tears of a river

Breaking up is hard to do
but life goes on right?
what to do? what to say? it's 
never good enough!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Dear Crested Butte,
I miss you

Photo cred:

Monday, May 25, 2009


Bike riding is my thing, and what better way than sharing that happiness with my boyfriend Albert. I took this picture on our way to Goodwill to snoop around their new arrivals. Yet, I say that this picture is my absolute favorite. First and foremost, he looks amazing in his OBEY jacket and his aldo shoes. Second, the bike is perfect, and lastly, the polaroid gives it that perfect touch. In the end, it is extraordinary to the Max max, max. Now, I'm off to sleep, I am still sick

Garden is a Secret

Today I woke up even more sick, so i decided to just sit on the couch and watch the most amazing movie ever made in my lifetime: The secret Garden.    Great!

Friday, May 22, 2009

sicker than sick

It is rare to see me sick, and out of all days I had to get sick today.damn the sickness of desperate days. This weekend my good friend adriana graduates. CONGRATULATIONS! Therefore, I need to be fully capable of being present at the ceremony and not wanting people think I have the swine flu, which I do not. Either way sick or not I know I will be able to take amazing pictures of my good buddy on the most amazing day for anyone with aspiration and dreams. Right now I am dying with this bad ass stuffed nose. so im out
ciao bella

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

simply ONE

 Wedding bells are ringing, and birds are singing, it's a perfect day for two to become one! This weekend Albert and I went to Tania's and Jose's wedding. It was beautiful, I was so happy to see one of my good friend on her happiest day of her life. Now. the question is, "When is the happiest day of my life going to happen?" I always answer ,"Ask him!"(while pointing my finger at Albert)" During the wedding reception Tania announced it was time to throw the flowers to the single ladies.  tisk tisk that does not include me but what can I say I wanted to catch those flowers!!!! And so I did, to my surprise, with a bit of excitement.  However, that is not the end of it, the boys were next to catch the garter, but yeah my albert caught it omg what does that mean, a future wedding for us? hopefully I just have to wait until he propose to me. So for now we will live our lives as girlfriend and boyfriend! love is in the air ciao bella!  

Friday, May 8, 2009


It's about ten o'clock right now and I am extremely tired! I was walking all of downtown L.A. today. Going into Santee Alley and actually buying a pair of sandals for ten bucks, wow cheap, but good sandals. And so, its time to sleeep
ciao bella